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Zachary E. Ross  /  People


If you're a prospective student or postdoc interested in joining our group in the Seismo Lab, we'd love to hear from you!

Additional resources:
For undergraduates, Caltech offers two outstanding summer research fellowship programs: WAVE and SURF.


Zachary E. Ross

Assistant Professor of Geophysics; William H. Hurt Scholar

W. H. Hurt Scholar, Caltech, 2021-present
Assistant Professor of Geophysics, Caltech, 2019-present
Postdoctoral Scholar in Geophysics, Caltech, 2016-2019
Ph.D. Geophysics, University of Southern California, 2016
Curriculum Vitae


Valeria Villa

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2021
B.S. Geophysics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2021


James Atterholt

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2019
M.S. Geophysics, Caltech, 2021
B.S. Mathematics and Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 2019
Research website


Yan Yang

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2019
M.S. Geophysics, Caltech, 2021
M.S. Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2019
B.S. Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2016


Jack Wilding

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2020
M.S. Geophysics, Caltech, 2022
B.A. Earth Science, Columbia University, 2017


Caifeng Zou

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2022
M.S. Applied Computational Science and Engineering, Imperial College London 2022
B.S. Geophysics, Tongji University, 2020


Angela Gao

Graduate Student in Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Primary advisor: Katie Bouman

Joined Caltech in 2019
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019
Research website


Zhi-ang Chen

Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2023
Ph.D. Exploration Systems Design, Arizona State University, 2022


Xiaozhuo Wei

Barr Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2023
Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, 2023

Rajani Shrestha

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2023
M.S. Geology, University of Delaware, 2023
B.Sc. Geology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


Weiqiang Zhu

Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley

SeismoLab Director's Fellow at Caltech from 2021-2023
Ph.D. Geophysics, Stanford University, 2021


Bing Li

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Western Ontario

Postdoc at Caltech from 2019-2021
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019


Jonathan D. Smith

Data Analyst, British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Postdoc at Caltech from 2019-2021
Ph.D. Geophysics, University of Cambridge, 2019


Erik Ramirez

Postdoctoral Scholar in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2021
Ph.D. Seismology, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico, 2019


Yuan-Kai Liu

Graduate Student in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2019.
M.S. Earth Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 2018
B.S. Geosciences, National Taiwan University, 2015


Hongyu Sun

Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Geophysics

Joined Caltech in 2022
Ph.D. Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022